4 Tips to prevent heart disease if you have high cholesterol

cungkring.com: Cholesterol foods can be said to trigger heart disease. High fatty foods such as fried, fast food, or junk food, are said to cause rising cholesterol levels in the blood. Yes, high cholesterol can indeed trigger heart disease. Well, in order not to experience heart disease due to high cholesterol, you can do some of the following healthy habits.
How to prevent heart disease due to high cholesterol
It is not wrong indeed if heart disease can arise due to eating foods that contain high cholesterol. But actually, not all types of cholesterol are bad, you know. There are two types of cholesterol in the blood, namely good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL).
Usually, heart disease is triggered by high levels of bad cholesterol in the blood. This is due to the buildup of bad cholesterol in the blood vessels, thus making the blood flow smooth.
When allowed to gradually interfere with the function of the heart and eventually symptoms of heart disease arise. You can prevent heart disease due to this bad cholesterol, by doing the following habits.
1. Apply a healthy diet from now on
Food is the main determinant that affects both your cholesterol levels and your bad cholesterol. Usually, bad cholesterol aka LDL is found in many processed foods and fried foods.
High trans fat content can also make the levels of bad cholesterol increase rapidly. Then, avoid mkanan containing high trans fats such as:
Sweet snacks, donuts, tart, and pastries
Red, processed, and fatty meat.
Fried food
Milk, butter, cheese and cream
In addition to increasing bad cholesterol, the above foods can also make weight gain and you have the opportunity for obesity. Well, obesity increases the risk of developing heart disease. Therefore, to prevent heart disease due to high bad cholesterol, you can reproduce foods that contain good fats, such as:
Sardines, salmon, or mackerel
Olive oil
Nuts, such as almonds
How to cook can also influence the cholesterol levels in food lho. Processing and cooking foods in a healthy way can also be a solution to prevent heart disease due to high cholesterol.
Here are food processing tips so that the bad cholesterol levels are not so much in the food:
Reduce the frying of foodstuffs. Try to bake or burn.
Use canola oil or sunflower or safflower as a substitute for butter
Avoid applying fatty liquids to your food
2. Limiting alcohol intake
Alcohol can increase your blood pressure and increase your weight. Both can be a trigger for heart disease, so it is better to limit alcohol intake.
Men are recommended not to drink more than two glasses per day, while women are allowed only one glass.
3. Exercise
Do not delay exercise, especially if you have already been diagnosed with high cholesterol levels. For starters, you can start your workout for 30 minutes.
It can help you lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol levels, and maintain weight. Try the morning sport by jogging or spending your time on the treadmill if lazy out of the house.
4. Taking medication to cope with high cholesterol
Changing a healthy lifestyle can help lower cholesterol levels in your body. However, sometimes a healthy lifestyle alone is not as potent as it takes medication to help lower it.
Well, because what is being experienced is high fat cholesterol, of course the treatment that suits you is the remedy for lowering cholesterol levels. Usually, there are terms and conditions to get the treatment.
How high your cholesterol is and how old you are. People who are affected by high cholesterol usually consume statins and niacin to overcome this. Always consult a doctor before you take cholesterol medication. You should also continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle despite being assisted with medicines.
Now, know why overcoming high cholesterol is almost the same way we prevent heart disease from cholesterol? Start a healthy lifestyle to avoid dangerous illnesses.
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