
Some things to prepare for Pilates beginners

Pilates is a form of exercise that aims to build the core strength of your body. Basically, Pilates is similar to yoga, but on some movements, fixtures, tools used, and the focus of movements are somewhat different. Pilates is also a sport that is generally done in a special studio and guided by its instructor.

Well, for you beginners who want to try, you should do first preparation and supplies ripe for Pilates. Here are some preparations you should do before doing Pilates.

Pilates Equipment to carry

1. Pilates Mat

The first preparation to be taken for Pilates is the mattress or special mat. Pilates Sports mats with yoga are generally different. In general, Pilates mattress will be less thick and many more than the yoga mat.

It's a good idea to first ask a Pilates instructor, a brand mattress or what type is recommended for first time workouts.

2. Towel

You can also bring a towel kit as a first-time Pilates preparation. The reason, although the sport is not very active like Zumba sports, but Pilates can also produce a lot of sweat.

Pilates that makes it train muscles and also other body parts can make calories burned and sweat unconsciously will flow heavily. Then it never hurts to bring a towel to wipe the sweat on the sidelines of the training session.

3. Drinking water

Carrying bottles containing drinking water can also be done as a first time Pilates preparation. Usually in the Pilates studio has been prepared drinking water and also glasses as equipment. However, it does not hurt you bring your own safe drinking water bottles to avoid spilling if put near your exercise.

4. Sportswear

Pilates does not essentially need a special outfit like swimming sports. However, you will usually be encouraged to wear stretch-made sportswear for comfortable wear in various movement maneuvers.

The preparation for Pilates that you can wear is leggings and sports shirts that stretch or elastic material. It is not recommended to wear loose clothes and shirts. This is because some pilates movements can make the shirt unfold, and the top of your body can be seen.

Loose clothes can also make Pilates instructors do not know the posture or curves of your body that are wrong during exercise.

Also consider wearing socks as a pilates preparation to carry. The reason the soles of the feet can be sweaty and this risks making you fall. You can also choose the bottom socks or the sole is made of rubber.

Not to forget, remove all kinds of jewellery necklaces, long earrings, or bracelets while pilates to avoid the stuck and injuries.

Attitudes to be aware of when Pilates

1. Coming on time

For the beginner Pilates, a must-have preparation is coming on time. Coming on time can also be a sign of respect to instructors and other students.

When you arrive late, this can disrupt the concentration and disrupt the course of the Pilates session. In addition, late can make you lose some important early sessions during Pilates.

2. Warm Up

If you arrive not too late and have time before the first Pilates class takes place, you can warm up as preparation before the sport.

Heating is the best way to help stretch your muscles and other parts to avoid injury. Follow some of the basic warming movements that you can see on the Internet.

3. Don't Chat

Learning to refrain from chatting is one of the Pilates preparations a must-have for beginners.

Chatting can make you and others who are invited to talk so that the training is lost and other Pilates participants are interrupted.

4. Return the Pilates gear to its original place

After Pilates, it is usually to return items such as the mattress or glass you are wearing to drink to the original place. It is self-preparation as well as an attitude that you have to immerse in Pilates studio or sports wherever you are.

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