Possible side effects and risk of injectable Vitamin C

As one nutrient that is quite important in the human body, it turns out that vitamin C can be obtained not only through food, but also through injections. Although the function is the same, what are the risks and side effects of injectable vitamin C?
Check out the reviews below for answers.
Injections of vitamin C side effects
Injectable vitamin C is one way that is rated quite effectively so that your daily nutritional and vitamin needs are fulfilled. Moreover, in certain conditions, such as pain, canker sores, or undergoing a recovery process, injecting vitamin C turns out to be quite helpful.
In fact, this one method is quite efficient because it does not need to go through the digestive process and directly absorbed by your blood. However, it does not cover the possible side effects and risks of injectable vitamin C.
The most common side effect of injecting vitamin C into the body is the emergence of pain and swelling in the area of the used injections. However, if you are using more vitamin C than the safe dose, there will certainly be side effects of the excess dose of vitamin C.
According to a study from Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, injectable vitamin C, especially more than 30 grams could cause a person to undergo prehypertensive. Prehypertension is a condition when a person has a high blood pressure, but still in a normal number.
In addition, there are some other side effects that can occur if excess doses of vitamin C, such as:
In area
Stomach cramps
Risks of injectable vitamin C
Perhaps for those of you who want to inject vitamin C in high enough doses need to consult your doctor first. It is aimed at you to know what risks are possible when an injectable vitamin C is performed.
For example, if you have a disturbance to kidney stones, it may be better to injectable vitamin C is not done. This is because there are people who experience renal failure after the injection of vitamin C.
Thus, for those of you who have a history of kidney stone disease is not recommended using high-dose vitamin C injections.
In addition, vitamin C can also increase the absorption of iron from the food you consume. If the vitamin C you are using is too high, your body may absorb too much iron and can cause new health problems.
In fact, when you have a history of disease G6PD deficiency anemia, injectable vitamin C with high doses can pose a risk of hemolysis.
This is evidenced by a study of Case Reports in Medicine which reveals that injecting vitamin C in such conditions could increase the risk of hemolysis.
Drug interactions
For those of you who want to reduce side effects and risks after an injectable vitamin C may need to pay attention to the interaction of vitamin C with other medications.
This is due to the use of injectable vitamin C along with certain types of medications can cause your urine to be more acidic. In fact, the function of the drug that you consume can be lost when injecting vitamin C and increasing the risk of side effects, either from the drug or vitamin C.
Here are some of the types of medications you need to avoid when using injectable vitamin C:
Fluphenazine (Proxilin)
Magnesium Salicylates (Novasal)
Mexiletine (Mexitil)
In addition, when using injectable vitamin C and drinking alcoholic beverages it turns out there is a less good reaction from your body. Drinking alcohol can reduce nutrients and make the body difficult to absorb nutrients, including vitamin C.
Consequently, the benefits and effectiveness of the injected vitamin C will be reduced or cannot be obtained at all due to alcohol.
Therefore, you need to avoid consumption of alcoholic beverages when using injectable vitamin C to avoid the risks and side effects caused. Moreover, when the level of vitamin C in the body is low.
If you use other drugs or are undergoing a treatment, you should consult a the before using a high dose of vitamin C.
Safe dosage of Vitamin C
After recognizing the side effects and risks that can be inflicted from the injectable vitamin C, it is good that you can find out how safe the injectable dosage of vitamin C is.
Typically, the injectable dose of vitamin C to address the problem of vitamin C deficiency is 200 mg once a day in the treatment period for a week. If you use it to recover wounds, the dose of use is 1 gram for one time a day for 5 to 21 days of treatment.
If you are in doubt, ask your doctor for a clearer dosage of the safe injectable vitamin C you can use.
Injecting vitamin C into the body does have a pretty useful function for your body's health, especially skin health. However, it is better to consult your doctor to find out what are the side effects and risks of injectable vitamin C based on current conditions.
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