Here the mask options for Corona viruses Lately, people are increasingly busy looking for masks to protect themselves from Corona viruses. However, the large selection of masks on the market can get you confused. To select a mask, you need to understand each mask's function first. See the following article for explanations.
Currently, using masks is recommended for people traveling to anticipate the transmission of Corona viruses. This Virus is found in the saliva splashes of sick people when he sneezes, coughs, or even talks. Transmission occurs when the drooling of the saliva is inhalation of others around.
Choice of masks for Corona viruses
This type of mask varies. Some of them are only useful to ward off pollution but can not resist the transmission of Corona viruses. Until now, there are 2 types of masks for Corona viruses suggested to the public:
Surgical masks
Surgical mask or surgical mask is a type of disposable mask that is easily encountered and often used by medical personnel during duty. Surgical masks can be used as an option to prevent the spread of Corona virus because it has a layer that is capable of banish drooling.
However, this mask is more effective when worn by people who are sick to prevent the transmission of germs to others, rather than by healthy people to protect themselves from illness.
Most surgical masks consist of 3 layers that have different functions, namely:
The outer layer, the waterproof
Middle layer, which serves as a germ filter
The inner layer, which is useful for absorbing fluid coming out of the mouth.
You are not advised to use masks without these three functions as it is ineffective in preventing infectious diseases, such as Corona virus infections.
Surgical masks can be obtained at a cheap price. Moreover, this mask is also commonly used for everyday use, both adults and children. However, this mask is a bit loose when used, thus allowing small particles or air to enter through the edges of the mask.
Mask N95
Mask N95 is also advised to prevent transmission of Corona viruses. Masks that tend to be more expensive than surgical masks are not only able to drive saliva splash alone, but also small particles in the air that may contain viruses.
Compared to surgical masks, the N95 mask feels more stringent on the face because it has been designed to cover the nose and mouth of adults. In children, the use of masks is not recommended because the size of the mask can be too large so it cannot provide adequate protection.
Although the protection is better, the N95 mask is not recommended for everyday use. This is due to its design that makes people who wear can be difficult to breathe, sulh, and not feel comfortable wearing it for a long time.
How to use the right mask
The surgical mask and the N95 mask can be used to prevent the exposure of Corona viruses. However, the benefits of these two masks will only be effective if you use them correctly.
Here is the guide using the correct mask:
Make sure you've washed your hands properly.
If you are using a surgical mask, make sure the outer side is green and the inner side is white.
Attach the mask strap well. If the mask strap needs to be tied, tie the upper part first, then the bottom.
Make sure the mask covers the nose, mouth, and chin perfectly. Also make sure that the metal parts are on the nose bar.
Bend the metal strip following the nose curve until there is no hole left.
Avoid touching the center of the mask while using and removing the mask.
Discard the mask to the trash and wash your hands thoroughly after using the mask.
Using masks for the Corona virus is effective for preventing transmission.
Whatever the type of Maskernya, you must understand how to use the right way. In addition, washing hands are also as important as wearing masks.
Always be sure to wash your hands every after doing or touching something, especially in public places.
In addition to all, maintaining health and endurance is also not less important. If you have a risk factor or have recently traveled to a Chinese country or any other country that has been infected with Corona virus infection, you can detect your risk of the Corona virus by clicking the image below.
You are also advised to immediately meet the doctor so that the health screening can be done, especially if you experience symptoms of cough, colds, fever, and shortness of breath.
Currently, using masks is recommended for people traveling to anticipate the transmission of Corona viruses. This Virus is found in the saliva splashes of sick people when he sneezes, coughs, or even talks. Transmission occurs when the drooling of the saliva is inhalation of others around.

This type of mask varies. Some of them are only useful to ward off pollution but can not resist the transmission of Corona viruses. Until now, there are 2 types of masks for Corona viruses suggested to the public:
Surgical masks
Surgical mask or surgical mask is a type of disposable mask that is easily encountered and often used by medical personnel during duty. Surgical masks can be used as an option to prevent the spread of Corona virus because it has a layer that is capable of banish drooling.
However, this mask is more effective when worn by people who are sick to prevent the transmission of germs to others, rather than by healthy people to protect themselves from illness.
Most surgical masks consist of 3 layers that have different functions, namely:
The outer layer, the waterproof
Middle layer, which serves as a germ filter
The inner layer, which is useful for absorbing fluid coming out of the mouth.
You are not advised to use masks without these three functions as it is ineffective in preventing infectious diseases, such as Corona virus infections.
Surgical masks can be obtained at a cheap price. Moreover, this mask is also commonly used for everyday use, both adults and children. However, this mask is a bit loose when used, thus allowing small particles or air to enter through the edges of the mask.
Mask N95
Mask N95 is also advised to prevent transmission of Corona viruses. Masks that tend to be more expensive than surgical masks are not only able to drive saliva splash alone, but also small particles in the air that may contain viruses.
Compared to surgical masks, the N95 mask feels more stringent on the face because it has been designed to cover the nose and mouth of adults. In children, the use of masks is not recommended because the size of the mask can be too large so it cannot provide adequate protection.
Although the protection is better, the N95 mask is not recommended for everyday use. This is due to its design that makes people who wear can be difficult to breathe, sulh, and not feel comfortable wearing it for a long time.
How to use the right mask
The surgical mask and the N95 mask can be used to prevent the exposure of Corona viruses. However, the benefits of these two masks will only be effective if you use them correctly.
Here is the guide using the correct mask:
Make sure you've washed your hands properly.
If you are using a surgical mask, make sure the outer side is green and the inner side is white.
Attach the mask strap well. If the mask strap needs to be tied, tie the upper part first, then the bottom.
Make sure the mask covers the nose, mouth, and chin perfectly. Also make sure that the metal parts are on the nose bar.
Bend the metal strip following the nose curve until there is no hole left.
Avoid touching the center of the mask while using and removing the mask.
Discard the mask to the trash and wash your hands thoroughly after using the mask.
Using masks for the Corona virus is effective for preventing transmission.
Whatever the type of Maskernya, you must understand how to use the right way. In addition, washing hands are also as important as wearing masks.
Always be sure to wash your hands every after doing or touching something, especially in public places.
In addition to all, maintaining health and endurance is also not less important. If you have a risk factor or have recently traveled to a Chinese country or any other country that has been infected with Corona virus infection, you can detect your risk of the Corona virus by clicking the image below.
You are also advised to immediately meet the doctor so that the health screening can be done, especially if you experience symptoms of cough, colds, fever, and shortness of breath.
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